WELCOME to the London Majors' Alumni Association pages on the Majors' website. Please check out all the other Alumni tabs in the drop-box. If you have any photographs, newspaper clippings or memories related to London Majors' team history that you are willing to share, please contact Majors' Alumni Chairperson Barry Boughner at E-MAIL ~ barry.boughner7ATgmail.com CELL ~ 519.777.1337.
ALUMNI REUNION, SUNday, JUNE 16, 2019 (SIFTON'S 10th Annual PACK-the-ParK DAY), 1 PM
WHEN AND WHERE: (Father's Day) Sunday, June 16, 2019 at 1:05 pm at Labatt Park. London will be hosting the five-time Defending Champion Barrie Baycats.
London Majors' Alumni Day at Labatt Park, June 16, 2019, honouring the 2008 London Majors, IBL Pennant Winners and IBL Finalists. PHOTOS: Matt HIscox.

The London Majors' Alumni Association will be honouring the 2008 London Majors Baseball Club, winners of the IBL Pennant and John Coppes Memorial Trophy (finished first in the regular season standings) with a win-loss record of 27-9, a winning percentage of .750. It was London's first IBL Pennant since 1988.
In the best-of-seven-game championship series with the Brantford Red Sox, however, Brantford defeated London four games to three, with London losing Game 7 at Labatt Park 8-2 before a sold-out crowd of 5,200.
> Named 2008 IBL All-Stars were: Majors' SS David Narodowski, RHP Josh Palmer, 1B Jess Bechard, OF Christian Riuz and MGR Roop Chanderdat.
> Majors' SS David Naradowski was also named Game MVP after the 2008 IBL All-Star Game in Toronto.
> Majors' Co-owners Scott Dart and Roop Chanderdat (also GM) won the David E. Hastings Trophy as IBL Co-executives of the Year.
> Majors' INF Jeff Helps won the Max Roseman Memorial Trophy as the MVP during the IBL Playoffs.
2008 Regular Season Stats: theibl.net/documents/RELEASE12_001.pdf
2008 Playoff Stats: theibl.net/documents/RELEASE15.pdf
1. The Roy McKay Clubhouse will be open to the public to view historical baseball displays.
2. On-field, pre-game introduction of the attending 2008 London Majors, IBL Pennant Winners and IBL Finalists.
3. On-field, pre-game Gold Bat presentation will be made to the Anderson family in honour of the late Stan (Gabby) Anderson, #5, for being named as one of the best 100 IBL players in the 100 year history of the IBL from 1919 to 2018; Gold Bat presentation to Larry Haggitt, Matt Gooding* and John Faragher* for being named as one of the best 100 players in the IBL from 1919 to 2018.
* Matt Gooding and John Faragher will also be added to the London Majors' list of best London Majors of all time (creating a list of 34 players).
RHP Josh Palmer, 22, won the 2008 Ted Earley Memorial Trophy with the lowest ERA during the regular season (2.14). He was 8-0, pitching seven complete games.
| MGR Roop Chanderdat was named a 2008 IBL All-Star and shared the 2008 David E. Hastings Trophy with Co-owner Scott Dart as IBL Co-Executives of the Year. PHOTO: The London Free Press.
| On August 29, 2008, the Brantford Red Sox defeated the London Majors 8-2 at Labatt Park in Game 7 of their best-of-seven-game championship series, before a sold-out crowd of 5,200. PHOTO: Brown's Photos.
| INF Jeff Helps won the 2008 Max Roseman Memorial Trophy as the MVP during the IBL Playoffs.
Alumni Reunion, July 1, 2018 (Canada Day)
Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the 1969 London Pontiacs, Sr. IBL Pennant Winners & IBL Champions (a team which belongs in the London Sports Hall of Fame)
DH Cleveland Brownlee, #35 (left) and alumni SS Dave Byers, #18, on-field at Labatt Park during Majors' Alumni Day on July 1, 2018, when the 50th anniversary of the 1969 London Pontiacs, Sr. IBL Champions, was celebrated prior to the game with the Barrie Baycats. Brownlee also broke Byers' longstanding record of regular season, career home runs of 69 with the London Majors in June 2018.
Brownlee hit 12 HRs in 2018 for a regular season, career total of 78 (to date) with the London Majors. Byers hit 74 is his IBL career, including 69 with London.
From 1964-1969, London's IBL franchise was the London Pontiacs. PHOTO:Matt Hiscox Photography. | INF Barry Boughner, #7 (Majors' Alumni Chair) on-field during Majors' Alumni Day on July 1, 2018. Also seen in the photo are alumni pitcher Rick Birmingham, #21 and alumni catcher Wayne Fenlon, #9. PHOTO:Matt Hiscox Photography. |
Alumni Reunion, July 22, 2017: The Chicken returns Home to Roost
Featuring the Famous San Diego Chicken, aka native Londoner Ted Giannoulas
Historical baseball displays in the Roy McKay Clubhouse attracted several hundred fans and Majors' alumni prior to the game with the Brantford Red Sox. PHOTO: Angela McInnes. |
Stan 'Tubby' Jones, catcher for the 1943 London Army Team and 1946 London Majors with 19 family members. BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Denise Cremers, Dana Healey, Laura Healey, Joanna Cremers, BJ Cremers, Bill Healey, Cathy Jones, Jennifer Sauve, Susan West, Rob Healey, Mike West, Gale Healey, Larry Jones, Erin Pecore, Gabrielle Harley, Isabelle Dowling; FRONT ROW (kids): Portia Cremers, Jackson Cremers, Emma Healey and Stan Jones (front, centre). PHOTO: Angela McInnes. | The San Diego Chicken at Labatt Park on July 22, 2017 during Majors' Alumni Day. He was thrown out of the park for 'conduct unbecoming a chicken.' PHOTO: Brantford Red Sox photographer. |
London Majors' Alumni Day at Labatt Park on Saturday, July 22, 2017 featured an on-field appearance by the London-born-and-raised San Diego Chicken (Ted Giannoulas) and historical baseball displays in the Roy McKay Clubhouse, prior to the IBL game between the London Majors and the Brantford Red Sox.
London Majors' Alumni Day revives Bobby Deakin's Brush with New York Yankee Fame, LFP, July 7, 2017: https://lfpress.com/2017/07/07/london-majors-alumni-day-revives-story-of--bob-deakins-brush-with-new-york-yankee-fame/wcm/bc09eb92-887f-2873-8093-049b2f301a92
The highlight of the Spring of 2017 was tracking down Stan (Tubby) Jones. As you can see from this outstanding photograph, we found Stan Jones, 94, the starting catcher for the 1943 London Army Team, winners of the Senior IBL title, the OBA Senior 'A' title and the Canadian Baseball Congress Championship. Shortly after winning these three prestigious Canadian baseball trophies, Stan shipped out to Europe during WW2.
Stan Jones attended Majors' Alumni Day at Labatt Park on Saturday, July 22 and brought 19 family members from across Ontario to partake in the festivities and meet the famous San Diego Chicken, Ted Giannoulas, a native Londoner, who worked changing Labatt Park's old manual scoreboard for 25 cents a game in 1965, 1966 and 1967 when the IBL's London Pontiacs played at home.

The World-Famous San Diego Chicken and his four plucky assistants performing at Labatt Park on Sat. July 22, 2017 during London Majors' Alumni Day ~ an IBL game between the London Majors and the Brantford Red Sox. PHOTO: Art Lierman.